Naturopathic Nutritionist (BA, DipNNP)

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Sports Massage therapist Ainsley Moden says:
"I can’t recommend Rachel highly enough to anyone with digestive problems.  When I first met with Rachel I had severe irritable bowel syndrome which really affected my busy lifestyle.  Rachel’s expert advice and guidance helped me to understand more about my body and the influence of my inherited family’s health issues.  Over the course of a few months Rachel has helped me to cleanse and revitalise my body. I’m now problem free thanks to Rachel!

I now know what food my body is sensitive to and how to prevent any re-occurrence of IBS.  I’ve recommended Rachel to several of my friends who have also suffered digestive problems and they are all being successfully treated."

Josephine (80 year old client) says:
"I'm happy to say that I got very encouraging remarks and still continue to receive positive remarks from fellow gym users that I've lost some weight, so I thought I must let you know the good outcome of your advice which I have been keeping to.  I am now 65kg that is a weight loss of about 10 kg but I'm not resting on my laurels because I need to get my bum and thighs which are where all my body weight are concentrated trim and firm.  Thank you Rachel for being my mentor and God bless!"

Rachel (Food intolerance test client) says:
"I first met with Rachel McCarthy in April of 2007 after researching through Google Nutritionalists in the West London area, 10 months on it is one of the best things I have ever done. I was motivated to contact Rachel having almost accepted years of being sick averagely 2/3 times a week, upset tummy being a daily experience and generally just not feeling at my optimum! Since April of 2007 I have lost 4 stone in weight and I attribute the help Rachel gave me in advising me of the right foods for me to more than have kick started that process! Any good personal trainer will tell you that 80% of losing weight is the food that you eat! The changing of my diet had a knock on effect and forced a full life style change for me, heading to the gym 3 times a week has become part of my normal routine and I now find myself getting edgy if I don't make it 3 times a week. Thanks Rachel, without wanting to sound too gushing you have fundamentally changed my life."
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